A trademark is a brand logo, word, symbol, or design that helps identify a company's product or service from others. Once registered, a trademark is initially valid for a period of 10 years and can be renewed indefinitely every decade thereafter. Our comprehensive trademark practice encompasses:
- Registering trademarks with the Indian Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks.
- Representing your marks in opposition matters
- Enforcing trademarks by identifying potential infringers through thorough investigations and
- Formulation of effective strategies to safeguard your trademark rights.
- Devising effective enforcement strategies tailored to protect our clients’ brands. This includes sending cease-and-desist letters to infringers, initiating lawsuits in court, and exploring alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation or arbitration.
IPNeeti has a proven track record of representing our clients across diverse industries in trademark enforcement matters, including infringement, dilution, counterfeiting, and unfair competition. For a comprehensive trademark strategy, contact us today!